Monday, October 25, 2010

Candy alphabet

In the beginning finding the letters were very easy till I found out that I could not get a letter V and Q and L were also difficult to find. I found most of them so I am pretty proud of myself for that. The theme for this alphabet was suppose to be all candy bars then I changed it to just anything that has chocolate in it. Because I could not find a candy bar that had Q in it or V. Hopefully this doesn't look too bad. I know that mine is not the best alphabet but I did have fun and tried my best. :) Thanks.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. L is from Luna Bar and Q is Quaker Bar.
    Also you can clearly see that v its not from any candy.
    Because i searched and searched and i did not find any result of
    Sorry. But could you tell me what I is? Please...
