Monday, November 22, 2010

Sick Child

Last week, my grandmother was in the hospital for a heart attack. She had to have triple bypass surgery. She seems to be doing bettter. However she is still in the hospital.
Mason (my son) has been sick. My grandmother has been our babysitter for the last 4 years. So.......I have noone to watch Mason. I am stuck here at the house for now. I would much rather be leaving for Harriman in the next hour and a half, than be awake since 6:20 and already worrying about missing. Unfortunately, with this sick child I have no choice. I would appreciate any notes, or highlights on todays class and our assignments, if anyone has time to send them my way...@ .
I will erase this post today. Just wanted to let you all know why I'm not there.

1 comment:

  1. Curtis,
    Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. We discussed and looked at photography of printed works for your portfolio. Check out the links in the other blogs for examples of portfolios and great photos.
