Wednesday, September 15, 2010


My additions are at the bottom of the chart.

My favorite one is the one that resembles both and H and an I. I actually came up with this when I was in kindergarten. My teacher made the common mistake of writing two uppercase "I's" and crossing them at once. My brain was always on something else, so I never heard what she was talking about, I just saw the image and wondered what letter it was... She would also say the letters, "L" "M" "N" and "O" very quickly when we recited our alphabet (pronouncing, "ellamenno"). So I thought that they were actually one mysterious letter that we never wrote... (oddly enough, I still knew about "L" "M" "N" and "O") Finally, one day I connected my crazy misconceptions to think that the letter "Ellamenno" was the letter I've illustrated in this project.

I continued in this disillusionment until second grade when we began homeschooling and my mom discovered what was happening...

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